Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This year has been such a success for me, Ashley Hall, and Ann Sheridan, Meaghan Bonds, Jessica Fisher, and Carly Hill! I nominated Ann Sheridan, rising 7th grader, to be on the Engineering Girls Website student panel! She WON! This happened a few months back, but I wanted to blog about it and connect you to her PQV article: Also, The Sheridan Corporation donated #3,000.00 to continue my Lego Robotics Class and the FIRST Lego League Team next year at Ashley Hall. The money is being split between funds for entering an Ashley Hall team in the FIRST Lego League and buying new Lego Mindstorm NXT kits for Ashley Hall Robotics classes! Thanks so much to all who have supported me and who came to my final presentation! Thats all for now--I am attending Tufts University in the fall of 2012. I would love to get back with the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach to participate in the STOMP (Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program). Danielle